Since there is no geometric shape that is a perfect descriptor for the whole of reality, we here at On The Level define the whole of reality to have a non geometric shape called a '''globe'''.
Therefore you can feel safe in the knowledge that pointing to anything within nature at a distance from you can result in the statement "tis '''globe'''"
It's not flat therefore tis '''globe'''
Here we know the earth is definitely not flat, like you, we know this to be true without question, and to think that it is, is against all known observable evidence.
Within this page you may possibly find a belief that you can find enough faith to believe in a non logical system.
Read on.
Going back to earliest recorded history and further, it has been self evident to everyone that ever lived that Tis '''globe'''.
From measuring shadows to watching boats and even measuring angles to lights in the sky, it has been abundantly clear to everyone that performed any of these tasks (or not), that the only natural conclusion has ever been, Tis '''globe'''.
Upon realising in 2020 that having sure and certain knowledge of Tis '''globe''' without proof wasn't as sophisticated as first thought. There was a need for something to base the already existing Imaginometry on, some sort of non argumentative system to help us build our first principles upon.
Globjik was given to help us communicate the ancient dogmatic '''globe''' with no proof and no argument into a modern day form.
Join us in a new revolution of '''globe''' thought.
Help us imagine a new way to argue and compete against the old ways of logic and reason, join us in ridding critical thought, lets make independent thinking a thing of the past.
Globjik is the art of the sophist and is the antithesis to antiquated logic, as such, (although impossible) when employing globjik the sophist must *attempt to deny the existence of reasoning, the mortal enemy of globjik.
* ECV - Existential Cognitive Veiling
Proof of tis '''globe''' to music, enjoy a new music genre
Simply put
Everyone knows Tis '''globe'''
Here's some Globjik proof of '''globe'''
Globjik states if G then G and if G and G then G, therefore it can be proved.
Directly by:
If '''globe''' Then '''globe'''
If '''globe''' and '''globe''' Then '''globe'''
Or indirectly by:
If not flat- Then '''globe'''
It's not flat therefore Tis '''globe'''
If it's not flat and it's not flat then it's definitely '''globe'''
We can safely say it's not flat - therefore Tis '''globe'''
Be at peace with your '''globe'''
Rest assured that we will continue to progress the proofs of '''globe'''
(the globe that affirms by affirmation)
Globus Trollins
If (g) Then (not f)
(not f)
Therefore (g)
So starting with the premise tis '''globe''' we can say:
IF the reality we live in is Tis '''globe''' (tis g)
Then the reality we live in could not be flat/planar (tis not f)
It has been proven by Bev that the reality we live in is not flat. (tis not f)
Therefore the reality we live in is tis '''globe''' (g)
Tis '''globe''' confirmation through Globus Trollins
(the globe that affirms by denial)
Globus Bollons
If not (f) Then (g)
Not (f)
Therefore (g)
Starting with the premise It's not flat (not f) we can say:
If the reality we live in is not flat (not f),
Then the reality we live in must be tis '''globe''' (g)
The reality we live in has been proven to not be flat by Bev (not f),
Therefore the reality we live in has to be Tis '''globe''' (g).
Tis '''globe''' confirmation by Globus Bollons.
(the globe that affirms by denial of affirmation (the not that))
Globus Bollendo Trollins
If that (t) then not not that (not not t)
Not not that (not not t)
Therefore that (t)
Starting with the Major premise that Tis '''globe''' we can say:
If that reality we live in is tis '''globe''' (t)
Then the reality we live in can't be not that (not not t)
Through globjikal deduction: since it's clear to everyone that ever existed in the known universe that tis '''globe''', the natural conclusion is that (tis '''globe''') *cannot be at the same time both be that (tis '''globe''') and *not that *(not tis '''globe''')
Therefore that must be that:
Tis '''globe'''
*exceptions apply
If not C then D is not D
D is D
not not C
Thanks to Flor de Cana for this form of the not 'not that'
This argument speaks for itself, Beddy the proofless dogmatic '''globe''' logician has come up with a dogmatic '''globe''' argument for the ages.
Hopefully E.C.V. will take effect but just in case, just remember that the black swan is mute and shouldn't be seen.
It has been shown that with Globjik everything and anything can be linked to Tis '''globe''' (Imaginometry Axioms 4,5 and 6) Therefore all existing proofs within reality can also be used to prove the real '''globe''' by extension of these basic simple axioms that everyone knows to be unquestionably true.
Real world practical uses of Globjik can be shown thus:
If the real world it is thought to be known as Tis '''globe''' Then anything that can be proved to be true in the real world, can be used by progression of these universally changing axioms to be proof by axiomatic extension of the real '''globe'''.
For the first time in recorded history, thanks to Globjik, those pesky proofs from Logic and geometry may now be accepted into the global globjikial cannon, making the real '''globe''' less dogmatic than the antiquated '''globe''' of the stick shadow measurers of old.
"If you say that, that implies not that." - Bluemarble "'Science'" YouTuber
Since it's been known by everyone that ever lived that Tis '''globe''' and that now with the use of Globjik, all known existing proofs will be proof of the real '''globe'''.
Thanks to everyone who has helped in the making of Globjik now that we can finally answer the question ;
Is there proof of the real '''globe'''? with Globjik.
All of them!!!
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