Understanding is having the confidence to stand under the construction your mind makes about any particular subject.
Can you stand firm and not waver when your convictions are challenged by your peers, or do you hide yourself from a true understanding by some form of existential cognitive veiling?
Logic is the tool we use to find understanding of the world around us and the thoughts we have, it is our reasoning and guide through our journey in life. Logos is the inner reasoning we are given, logic is the tool we use to help us understand it.
Logic is what helps us to formulate a way for us to check for fallacious thinking, having good friends to help your thought process helps, but as we're always one with our own thoughts, it helps for us to keep that process trained and functioning properly, logic is how we do it here at On The Level Discord.
To explain logic isn't easy, it's as though it comes from a source unknown and yet feels like you've always known it when you find it. It is said to be from the beginning and all things came from it, it is the original word, yes that word spoken of in the books of old, In the first chapter of The gospel according to John, Jesus Christ is identified as “the Word” (Greek logos) incarnated, or made flesh. Earlier philosophers defined the logos as an active rational and spiritual principle that permeated all reality. They called the logos providence, nature, god, and the soul of the universe. Another philosopher, taught that the logos was the intermediary between God and the cosmos, being both the agent of creation and the agent through which the human mind can apprehend and comprehend God.
Logic or Logos, (Greek: “word,” “reason,” or “plan”)
Logic is the science of reasoning, as such we can use it to help us understand how we think and use it to help us make that process much leaner.
Studying geometry and logic takes my mind to areas of thought processes that seem natural and I enjoy the process, when a problem arises I try to find a way to sort the problem out logically.
When faced with a problem about lines and geometry I find the process of using logic is much clearer and easier to express. I find it easier to explain as a scientific way of thinking. First step is to identify the issue or problem faced and then act accordingly as to find the best way to resolve the issue.
The Issue
With all my experience with levels I know they are horizontal or at least described that way and started looking into finding some logical way to express what I knew to be true,
and s the parallel logic was 'invented'(for a t-shirt design)
How to trigger a delusionist
Tell them a basic fact that conflicts with their narrative - It exposes them to their cognitive dissonance .
The statement 'Straight lines which are parallel to the same straight line are parallel to each other' Is a theorem within proposition 30 of the elements, so me formulating a symbol/letter logic seemed like a good idea for a t-shirt design from DP
The logic itself is self explanatory but come to DISCORD and we can explain this more.
This is a content preview space you can use to get your audience interested in what you have to say so they can’t wait to learn and read more. Pull out the most interesting detail that appears on the page and write it here.
Modus ponendo tollens Latin for; "mode that denies by affirming"
Modus ponendo tollens is usually written in the form
1. Not both A and B
2. A
3. Therefore not B
For Example
Both a circle and a sphere cannot be 2D.
A circle is a 2 dimensional figure.
Therefore a sphere cannot be a 2 dimensional figure.
Level cannot be both a straight line on a plane and a curved line on a sphere.
Level is a straight line on a horizontal plane.
Therefore Level cannot be a curved line on a sphere.
The Art of Logos
If Plumb is Vertical,
Vertical is a straight line.
Then Perpendicular(see Definition 10 below) to plumb MUST be a Plane.
Corollary. Proposition 6, Book XI
If 2 straight lines be at right angles to the same plane, they shall be parallel to one another.
Level is Horizontal
Horizontal is a Plane with all Perpendiculars to it being Parallel.
For a basic overview of the concepts involved please enrol and watch the videos in this excellent course https://online.hillsdale.edu/landing/mathematics-and-logic-from-euclid-to-modern-geometry
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