The Horizontal Paradox is mental exercise to hold 2 contradictory statements at the same time, it's one of the many contradictions that must be held in modern day discussions on any social media platform today.
Take control of your own knowing, let advanced simplicity take hold.
A word of warning in the form of text.
Said twice to show you the importance of the words, some of the words on these pages like all the words your eyes have ever processed.
These words can effect your mind in ways that may not seem obvious at the time of reading, there's a chance they might etch themselves as all the other shadows that have been cast on the walls of your mind.
These words come with a warning that contradictory shadows may be revealed.
If you don't handle conflict well or if your inner jabberwocky appears, please don't think it a problem with the words.
Read on with caution.
Imagine a 6 mile long, straight stretch of water - a canal. Each end of this canal has 2 bridges, 1 at each end.
At each bridge, there is a plumb bob hanging down to the water, now on these vertical strings can you imagine an even altitude, that is, a point at an equal height above the surface of the water below.
At these points we can establish a perpendicular and call one point A and the other point B.
Tow can the the shortest distance between thse 2 points not be horizontal?
And the water?
Obviously horizontal planes exist in reality.
So why do some people get so upset at hearing that level is a straight line on a horizontal plane?
Finding these people is what led us to realise that simplifying everything down to it's most basic form and building up from there, is what was needed to fully understand.
Taking the first principles approach to even the most simple task is what we call ADVANCED SIMPLICITY and it's how we assure ourselves that WE fully understand what it is that we are speaking of.
The Horizontal Paradox is an ideal introduction to Advanced Simplicity and it goes like this;
A plane is a geometric concept that is 2D, that means it has only 2 dimensions, length and breadth, it has no edges and therefore is infinite.
A plane is well defined and understood as the base for understanding geometry within the foundations our learning process, but have we ever really considered such simple things at the basis of our own thought processes?
There are proofs within geometry that can give you an understanding of these basics, but what's important is that you know they are there for you to find. The picture to the right is A page from a book called 'The Elements' it is a series of proofs and theorems that guide to find truth.
This one proposition (along with all the others preceding it) lets us know that all perpendiculars to a plane will be parallel, knowing this may cause cognitive pain at some point if a contradiction is pointed out.
Here's the contradiction; for some people, placing this plane in the horizontal position becomes a problem for the reason stated above - verticals being parallel is a big problem for the dogmatic '''globe''' believers.
The Horizontal paradox is only a paradox when a model is introduced, and once introduced how do you resolve the contradiction? How would you resolve a contradiction? How can you resolve the contradiction?
Welcome to Advanced Simplicity and On The Level Thinking.
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