Putting the sphere before line
The geometry of reality is Euclidean geometry, this geometry doesn't support models that aren't reality. If you ever find yourself troubled by a model that doesn't fit reality, you will find yourself using Imaginometry.
“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?” – Lewis Carroll
This doesn’t have anything to do with imaginometry but you can think it‘s related.
This however
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagin
"But I nearly forgot, you must close your eyes otherwise you won't see anything" Lewis Carroll
“One of the hardest things in the world is to convey a meaning accurately from one mind to another.”
“When I used to read fairytales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one!”
“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
If in explanation the imagination is evoked' you must from that point forward imagine that you are entering the realm of IMAGINOMETRY
You are now in control
What you're going to be reading is a teaching tool to show the most non Euclidean geometry ever invented, all the Euclidean axiomatic progression has been replicated to show the reader something that they're familiar with, but please rem
1. All definitions are meaningless
2. Any and all defined definitions can be redefined - See definition 1.
3. Any defined definitions that have been redefined become the definitive definition until being redefined - See definition 1.
4. If a definition doesn’t fit conjure a new one, REMEMBER, you’re in CONTROL narniation is expected - Always refer to definition 1.
5. A point is that of which you can imagine as being a series of interconnected points making up everything from nothing or making something into nothing
6. The duration alone, of either verbal or written definitions, reinforces your definition or redefinition.
1, Anything can be imagined
2, Anything that cannot be imagined can be imagined to have been imagined in the future.
3. Once the conceptualised imaginings are envisioned to be truly imagined, then the imaginometrist can become the imaginometor.
4, A solitary individual can envisage their imaginings as being the imaginings of the whole, therefore an individuals imaginings can be imagined as the consensus.
6. Anything that can be imagined can be imagined to be real.
7. That which isn't something else can exist as something within the imaginings.
8, That which can be imagined, can be imagined to be bigger than imaginable.
1, It is a Globe* (*Tis globe) - "It has to be"
2, All imaginings must assume a shape.
3, Anything in reality can be imagined differently.
, When your imagined shape is under an augmented threat of another's imagined competing shape, then the imaginometrist must imagine that the thought violator must be wilfully ignorant of the imaginometrists perception and automatically reject the opposing thought shape.
4, All evidence is assumed evidence of your globe.
5, Any evidence contrary to your globe can be assumed to be evidence for your globe.
6, If it doesn't logically fit the globe then the logic must be illogical - Think globjiK.
7, Reality cannot be disproved, and does not need imagining, the sole purpose of Imaginometry is to envelope a unique personalised idiosyncratic conceptualisation of an individualised paracosm.
8, If at anytime an imaginometrist is asked to provide evidence of their globe, the imaginometrist must obfuscate and ask the offender to provide the evidence they required. (this is called a sophersal)
The Fifth Postulate
If an imaginometry axiom meet a perceived axiomatic obstruction as to cause the imaginometrist distress, then the imaginometrist should disregard the offending thought and fabricate a new axiom immediately (this is one of the steps in becoming the imaginometor)
The first and only conceptualisation of shape within imaginometry is the Dawnagon, a 2 dimensional radiusless spherithought that will become the envisioning framework to build many a fabrication upon.
It is simply a mind shape made up of 2 or more straight lines sharing common segments.
As in all of imaginometry there's no knowing what your personal conceptualisation of the Dawnagon is, but a few of the imaginings of others have included
A 33Cornerdon is an example of a perceived Dawnagon, how many can you envisage?
If a misunderstanding of 2 Dimensions is not enough for you, then you can always add as many extra dimensions as required to a dawnagon and conceptualise a Imaginageohedron (please use caution) Beware of the Penrosagram If this occurs, don't tell anyone and keep calm.
Further Imaginings
Imagine a 2D surface with all points equidistant from a point - Submitted by Brad the science guy.
Any shape defined and proven within Euclidean geometry can be imagined differently in Imaginometry, as in AXIOM 3 and imagined by multiple people including Gem Panda, PhD Tony, FTFE and The astronots son M. Scott Veach, a triangle having more than 180 degrees (spherical excess), an impossibility in Euclidean geometry are easily imagined differently in Imaginometry.
Imaginometry humour
Q. What do you call a sphere with no radius?
A. A 2D surface :)
Q. How do you make a circle have more than 360 degrees?
A. Turn it into a triangle with 3 x 180 degrees and it will become great :)
Globe Philosophy
Anyone knowing anything from reality that contradicts the model IS WRONG
Anyone not believing the writings of the great shadow giants modelers of the past IS WRONG
If you're ever confronted with someone exposing you to the Horizontal Paradox or other related paradoxes then you can use
The equipotential angle of adjustment
This can be used to mentally adjust and confuse anyone questioning acceptable paradoxes today - more details still being found on it's uses, will update.
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