Back at the start of 2019 I was told by a globe zealot on Twitter -
Thinking that level is horizontal and telling my son that - I was a 'child abuser'
All I'd done had been to say that the horizon couldn't rise to eye level as level doesn't rise or bend, this led me to question what I'd been told and to find a proof.
After acquiring the water drop numbers from the model believers, we've found a way to use geometry and it's connection to reality to bring you the straight horizontal test for the curvature hunter on a budget, no optics involved, just pure practical geometry.
Coming soon.
Having experience working with a level, I was well aware that level is horizontal but finding that proof, other than just relying on what someone had told me, was a different matter.
After talking things over with the people at #EmmaUK, it became apparent that proof is only ever going to be a personal thing. It cannot be given to you, it must be gained by the person requiring it.
For us to provide a proof of level being horizontal may sound like a simple thing, but where to start? The logical place to start was with the geometry, as geometry is the only way to prove the relationships between point, line and form. Proof is gained through geometry, and geometry is based on logic, so that seemed like a good place to start.
There was always the thought that the so called 'Black swan' logical statement wasn't as simplified as it should have been. This much simpler modus tollens is fallacy free and we already had it ready and waiting, we were perplexed as to why it wasn't considered or taken on, you may have seen it around.
If the earth is a spherical object (p) - antecedent
Then the surface of liquid water MUST curve (q) - consequent
Knowing that a water level is a tool for establishing a horizontal plane of reference (not q), and that would satisfy the requirements for a modus tollens within the logical statement. The tool establishing a horizontal plane of reference would deny the consequent (not q) and therefore deny the antecedent (not p). This is a logical proof using geometry and the use of practical tools that is obviously obfuscated by the people with a strong belief in a model. This simple logical argument is enough for most critically thinking people to at least question the narrative they've been told. For those with a want or need to seek some understanding we'll try and keep this simple.
Ever since the globe model surveying guru Jesse Kozlowski stated,
"The level surface, drops away, drops down from the horizontal plane at a rate of eight inches times the distance in miles squared."
The logical argument we developed has been a thorn in the side of the staunchest model believer, and ALL globe model loving surveyors have been running from facing the logical argument.
If the earth is a spherical object (p)
Then the surface of liquid water MUST curve (q)
The search for curving water level continues for the model believers as it's a MUST happen situation, for those of us that live in reality -
We can just accept the truth that a water level is horizontal.
Everyone knows we live in a 3D reality, surveyors measure the difference in the vertical establishing elevations on the land (earth).
Some people demean other people for being able to prove that level is horizontal, Take a journey into the confusion a model can cause when that very model dictates reality for you.
We talk to these people so you don't have to.
This is the auto level of choice for me.
It will be the auto level that we will use for establishing a horizontal datum (differential leveling) over 3 points over a mile and beyond for the auto level section of the test.
At £99.50 it keeps it well within budget for many an amateur practical geometry student.
Please remember to get your calibration certificate for assurance of a certain horizontal plane of reference.
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