Levelology is the study of all things from honesty to horizontal, we aim to replace dogma with epoche - Join us In discussion
Levelology is the study of all things from honesty to horizontal, we aim to replace dogma with epoche - Join us In discussion
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to Try Thinking about how you may react to contradictions you may hold.
Welcome to “On the level”
Here we aim to establish the PRACTICAL use of the word level in relation to the world around us.
We all know that for practical usage, a level is a straight line, formed on a horizontal plane.
Euclidean geometry states within its postulates that, a terminated straight line can be produced to any length in a straight line and within its definitions that a superficies (surface) is that which has only length and breadth and that a plane superficies is that which any two points being taken, the straight line between them lies wholly in that superficies ( surface ).
You maybe surprised to discover that there are some that disagree......
Proof through logic and geometry is a wonderful thing.
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This may appear to be a bit of a bizarre question to some people ..
But there are people around, that would have you believe, that it is not possible to form that very level line either in the air or on the ground on which you stand.
one of our aims is to show it is possible - and not only possible, but shown to us every day in the nature of standing water.
The observation that water forms a horizontal plane of reference is all around us in lakes, canals and the very tools used to find levels.
One of our aims is to test the reality of the surface of standing water.
flat .. level .. horizontal
We are On The Level at all times, we stand for equality, honesty and giving a voice to the silent masses that are realizing they might have been lied to.
Everyone is an individual and we do not discriminate against religion or cosmology and ask no one to subscribe to any model or belief.
We are focused on personal growth through critical thought and group learning.
Join us and see how basic geometry and simple logic can help you think more efficiently.
Once said "The level surface, drops away, drops down from the horizontal plane at a rate of eight inches times the distance in miles squared". That's a quote that will go down in the history books of the globe earth model believers. As soon as those words were uttered, it became obvious that this difference between the horizontal plane and the presupposed drop of the water level was as claimed by Jesse " Oh yes, it's measurable".
After saying these words of confirmation, giving hope to all the '''globe''' model believers, he has gone surprisingly quiet and leaving the OnTheLevel team to take up the challenge to measure this supposed drop of the water level away from horizontal.
Our test is simple;
Step 1.
Establish 3 marks on 3 posts at an equal elevation (horizontal) separated by a 1/2 mile.
Step 2.
Stretch out a 1 mile pipe (water level tool), place vials next to the marks on the posts.
Step 3.
Fill water level with water to match 1 post.
Step 4.
Check the water level on the other 2 posts.
After many conversations just like this I've decided that reality and imagined reality are 2 very different things.
Can the water level really drop from horizontal?
Is the water level not the benchmark for horizontal?
Is horizontal a straight line?
What has caused these people to say these ridiculous things?
Logic is given to help guide us.
Live by the logos.
Taken from a chat on FTFE's (Fight The Flat Earth) 'debate'- available on Emma Uk or Try Thinking Youtube.
Tony gets confused about how he can't find a proof for his model within Euclidean geometry and calls it 'Flat earth' geometry without thinking.
Even with or without his PhD - Tony knows that Euclidean geometry can prove that level is horizontal.
Water distillation is an effective process for producing highly treated drinking water and can significantly reduce levels of sediment, metals, and biological contaminants unable to travel out of the boiling.
Remember, distillation is as old as mother nature’s ‘Hydrologic Cycle’. This natural distillation method involves the sun heating the water on the earth's surface. The water is then turned into a vapour and rises while leaving contaminants behind before forming clouds. As the upper atmosphere drops in temperature the vapours cool and convert back to water to form droplets of water. When these water droplets drop to the earth's surface, as snow or rain (precipitation), the cycle repeats again.
Team Septic (Fight the flat earths sidekick) Challenged me to a 'debate' on geometry pertaining to the shape of the earth, I accepted providing he either demonetised on his or FTFE's channel or that he left his 'safe space echo chamber' and came to the , what was then #EmmaUK Discord server, now #On The Level EmmaUK Discord server.
Will he ever accept or even reply? What has FTFE told him of his fictional geometry to parrot? Has PhD Tony advised him about his 'flat earth' geometry?
Find us at On The Level Discord https://discord.gg/onthelevel
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